Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Old Friends

My African friend Emma stopped by to visit us this weekend. I'd love to say she traveled from Chad just to see me and my loud, crazy family, but she's actually spending the summer at language school in Vancouver. Emma's a linguist, which I say every chance I can get. She is the ULTIMATE word nerd. She's a word nerd for a LIVING. She's my hero. And I take pride in the fact that I told her to become a linguist WAAAY back when we were in college together. Of course, she didn't choose that career for a decade, but I'm ignoring that and take full credit.

Since I compel every visitor to make a pilgrimage to our unfinished log home, we spent a few hours at The Lake on Monday. We watched The Husband work, I described where everything would be ...eventually, and we stood on the dock looking out over The Lake and talking.

Emma suggested a window seat. If it means she'll come visit more often, I'm on board.

Poor Emma was freezing. She left temps routinely above 110 degrees and encountered a frost warning and brief hail in the North Country. It actually snowed at The Lake on Sunday.

I wish Chad wasn't so darned far away.


Shelley said...

A linguist sounds very talented to me! Neat friend!
P.S. i think a window seat is a great idea - wish we had one in our cabin, would've made a nice reading nook!

Cedar ... said...

good friends are few and far between so I vote that you put in the windowseat and hope that she returns often!