Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Despite the intermittent drizzle today, The Husband and his father are hard at work on the saw mill. Yes, that's right. Not only is Bob the Log Builder doing the exterior structure of the house the right hard way, he's also milling boards for the cabinets, trimwork, floorboards, etc. himself. He's repurposing a fallen maple tree today, and I dashed up to The Lake to take a few snapshots. I really wish I'd taken video instead, so you could hear the hum and buzz of the saw mill.

Term of the day: cant hook.

Due to the aforementioned drizzle, and a baby who desperately needed a nap, I didn't stick around long enough to get a picture of the nice solid block (sans bark) and then the slicing off of the boards. Perhaps another time.

Today it was maple, but he's milled cedar and spruce as well. Our home will be an arbor-iffic symphony of wood.


Cedar ... said...

Doing it for yourselves will make it so special for you. Natural wood makes for such a warm-toned home. It's going to be amazing!

Shelley said...

I agree w/ Cedar - your home will be that more special since you did it yourself. I know it's going to be beautiful!!

Gail said...

I love the sound of a saw mill. We had one the DH built, but have sold it because we don't have access to logs. It is wonderful to do ALL your own work. Your home will be wonderful (I am a wood nut, too).