Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Prepare for flute and lyre

Commence rejoicing.

(Note:  My apologies --  I have known about this for three days, but have been unable to share, as the nonchalant Husband dropped by The Log House to show me on our way out of town to see a Buffalo Bills game, and I had neither camera nor phone with me at the time to grab a photo to squeal over all weekend.  The heartless man.) 

So, without further ado:

TA-DAAAAA!    We have a kitchen!  well, *ish.*   Those are lower AND upper cabinets, baby, along with a fine counter top.   So, for a tour:   the blank spot on the end is where the dishwasher will go, with the sink directly to the right of that; the blank spot on the right is where the stove will go, with the microwave directly above that.  I am standing in the spot where the fridge will go to take the second picture.

I am so excited I can't stand it!!  So, a back splash of some sort, kick plate (is that right?), a wee bit o' plumbing and wiring, and the appliances go in....   oh, and a floor.  I needs me a floor now!

It is starting to look like a real home now, eh?  Not just a log picnic pavilion?

Oh, and:  Go Bills!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The log picnic pavilion had its charm. Love the colors in the kitchen!